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IMAC Dalton 300 ml build thread.


Yep...not reinventing the wheel at all..I've seen metal and wood stand off/ spacers. It's just that Ortho will go to no expense to get that bird right and I admire him for it.. speaking of broken pelvis....outch!!!!. My youngest son had some lady pull out in front of him last September on his way home riding his hawg..needless to say he broke his collar bone completely into and shattered his scapula. His left arm was not attached to his shoulder and had to have a metal brace implanted to put it back together...hope your recovery is speedy Bunky.


70cc twin V2
Here is an idea for you Cam that may be a "quick fix" until you can get the weight on your one piece mount where you want it to be.

I purchased another engine mounting plate for my GP123 from Limitless Aero and four aluminum spacers from McMaster-Carr. The extra engine mounting plate is flush on the motorbox ply with the four spacers between it and the mounting plate attached to the engine. I haven't been able to fly my Extra yet but I think the engine is mounted pretty solid. I didn't weigh everything but I do not think it's very heavy.

Engine Mounted.jpg
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Don't know a thing..
A buddy of mine runs CNC lathe and prototrak style mills. He can do about anything you can dream up. We did a 2.625" mount for my crap ass BME 116 a few years back, when Kyle couldn't. We even did a 3"for a DA85 for a guy in Cali.

No need to reinvent the wheel. There are people out there who do this for a living and on the side, like me. Only thing is......... I'm laid up for the next 3 mo with a broken pelvis. I could have done the exact same
thing for you even with you supplying the material for nothing, just cover shipping each way. But I'm out of commission for 2.5 mo.

Just some info........ The one I made out of ply was WAY lighter than the one ou
t of alum. Like half the weight. As long as you have used a good HQ grade of aircraft ply, the corners will not cave in like cheap crap ass ply.

I for one, am not a fan of "cheap crap ass ply!" :D