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Extreme Flight Owners Thread


70cc twin V2
Just think how much you'll be able to fly on a day like that with a gasser!

Yes, and the 91" extra or yak will be in my sights for later this year.

I'll run the standard setup in as much as DA60, RE2 pipe (not as peaky and broader mid range spool up then the KS pipe), etc, but probably Hitec 7950 servos all around (hopefully glitch free by then).

Love the idea of being able to bang out 15minute hard 3D or high energy flying, not having to land every 5-6 minutes to change packs will be great.


70cc twin V2
+1 gyro get into a gassa roj cost me $4 in fuel for the weekend

Mate, it cost me $25 in fuel for the car to just get to my club.
Costs me nothing to charge my lipos, a few cents of coal fired electrons from the state electricity supply.


You mean the state thieving commission. I live 2minutes from my club all it cost me is a couple of dogs eyes bottle o coke and pack of winny blues and 4bucks in fuel


70cc twin V2
You mean the state thieving commission. I live 2minutes from my club all it cost me is a couple of dogs eyes bottle o coke and pack of winny blues and 4bucks in fuel

Mate, are you Feral or what??

Winny blues, dog eyes, coke, you sound like one of the dudes at my club.

I call him Professor Dodo. (the bird that don't fly).

He smokes, drinks full sugar coke all day, arrives early, assembles his gas planes, fuels up, charges his Rx packs and sits arounds talking BS all day until he packs up and departs.

I've never seen him even start one of his planes!!! LOL..... if it wasn't so sad I'd offer to help get him back into it.

He suffers from a case of no longer the top of his tree so he doesn't want to show what he can do any more.

The longer he puts off flying the longer its gonna take him to get his skills back!!!

He put up such a fuss the other week when I brung my Honda 2kV genny to the club to charge my 12s packs you wouldn't believe. He got quite shitty that my Genny might create some noise in the pits area to disturb his BS swinging that I had to take it out to the car park to charge packs.

Now I set it beside the Gas plane starting posts and run an extension lead back to my charge table and he can't complain no more!!!


Hence the name roj. The difference is I don't stop flying I'm the only dude at the club that drags the 1964 model Honda genny out it uses a litre of fuel and a gallon of oil a day but it charges good


70cc twin V2
Hence the name roj. The difference is I don't stop flying I'm the only dude at the club that drags the 1964 model Honda genny out it uses a litre of fuel and a gallon of oil a day but it charges good

Crack me up dude.... you are a classic.... an ICON......


Thanks roj I don't know about an icon tho more a westy with too many toys. I thought of a name for a 3d fun fly ( Huckin Smacktacular) what do you reackon?


70cc twin V2
Thanks roj I don't know about an icon tho more a westy with too many toys. I thought of a name for a 3d fun fly ( Huckin Smacktacular) what do you reackon?

Sounds great.

Count me in.

Now if I can just get the damn MAAA to issue my Bronze wings to allow me to visit other clubs.

You would think 5 months was long enough to process these things wouldn't you?


There getting them made mate my club pres is the maaa pres I'm waiting for mine aswell I'm flying with him tommorow I'll dig round a bit and find out what's crackin


70cc twin V2
There getting them made mate my club pres is the maaa pres I'm waiting for mine aswell I'm flying with him tommorow I'll dig round a bit and find out what's crackin

Is that your club pres that flys 3D as well mate?

Get him to soften some of the damn maaa rules about 3D flying within the 9m rule mate.

My club holds the 9m rule as bible and crack a wobbly when I 3D hover and harrier inside the 9m limit.

What's the point of hovering outside 9m I say!

I even tried the argument that hovering is strictly not a 'flying' airplane in that's in a completely 'stalled' state at that point but they wouldn't have a bar of it!!