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Hangar 9 3.1M Sukhoi

Thanks for the comments guys. So far the fin does not look to bad in the garage. Will see once it is outside in the summer sun. I am hopeful that the polyurethane tip from fixedwing keeps the joints clean as I am hoping. If anyone has suggestions on redoing the strips I am all ears. In the pics it is not bad and a few feet away they are not bad but up close it could definitely be better.


Looks great. I'm getting ready to put a 170 in mine. I also just picked up a job to assemble one for a friend of mine. These are such popular airframes. I think we have 5 or 6 flying in our region or IMAC.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Doesn't Ultra-cote have 25' rolls? May be worth a call. I know you really don't want any joints on the bottom. I chased loose covering for 2 years after I tore the covering on the bottom and patched it. You could use one piece to cover the pipe tunnel then another to finish to the back, putting the back piece on first. It would suck to have a seam though after you go through all the trouble of recovering.

When I recover mine I am going to try Monocote first. I think it has a better finish and seems to be a little tougher. I haven't used it since I built a Super Sportster 60 back in 2002 and I hear they changed the formula and it makes it harder to get stuck down. I know it comes in 25' rolls though.
Most definitely. I bought 25 foot rolls when I did the recover on my 260. Sure made things easy with no seams.

For what it is worth, Monokote does seem to have some brilliant color, but the mill thickness of Ultra is actually thicker and much more durable. I remember an older gent a number of years back put a hole in his Monokote when he picked up his plane. It was a chilly....well ok, "COLD" February day. He went to pick it up and "POP"... kind of sounded like a small firecracker going off. Just from what I have discovered I really like the Ultracote much better.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Oh YA!!!! 170 fo shizzle
Hopefully, mine will be done by the end of next week. As some may remember, I tossed around so many engine choices, I started to feel like I was ready for the loonie farm. First I wanted a 3W170CSTS. Very spendy motor. All things being considered, the csts 170 really isn't that much more powerful than my 157cs on the 260. Some say they like the 157 much better. Then considered a DLE 170. A friend of mine has one and it runs incredibly well. Turned out I got a pretty snap happy deal on an almost new DA170 and even had it bolted on and RE3's ordered for it. I guess the wait got to be too much for me. Brand new GP 176 Evo will be here Monday from Dave Sullivan and Planebender. Also have the smooth pipes coming as well. Picked up a new 3w 3D CF (31.5 x 8-14) for the GP. Come heck or high water, this thing launches Jan. 1.


70cc twin V2
Hopefully, mine will be done by the end of next week. As some may remember, I tossed around so many engine choices, I started to feel like I was ready for the loonie farm. First I wanted a 3W170CSTS. Very spendy motor. All things being considered, the csts 170 really isn't that much more powerful than my 157cs on the 260. Some say they like the 157 much better. Then considered a DLE 170. A friend of mine has one and it runs incredibly well. Turned out I got a pretty snap happy deal on an almost new DA170 and even had it bolted on and RE3's ordered for it. I guess the wait got to be too much for me. Brand new GP 176 Evo will be here Monday from Dave Sullivan and Planebender. Also have the smooth pipes coming as well. Picked up a new 3w 3D CF (31.5 x 8-14) for the GP. Come heck or high water, this thing launches Jan. 1.
So where is the da170 with the re3's?


You will love that GP. Mine has about the same power as using proflows as my DA170 did running tuned pipes. But the GP has much more mid range torque and runs perfect through the whole RPM range.
I can hardly imagine the power you will have the Smooth pipes!


I like 'em "BIG"!
Very cool. Thank you for the info. Really looking forwaRd to it. Heck, at this point I'd almost settle for rubber band power. Just wanna fly the darn thing. Lol


I like 'em "BIG"!
I am so bummed today. USPS as you all probably know, has been delivering parcels on Sunday in leu of the holiday season. I like this. Instead of waiting until the following Monday from Saturday for a delivery that is in town, Sunday has been working great. Except...when you are in the shower and the post man shows up with your GP176 and Smooth Pipes from Planebender requiring a signature. DOAH..... You can bet I will be on the post office door step bright and early tomorrow morning. Sukhoi is already perched nose high just waiting for the installation of the 176. Ten minutes after I procure that beast into my mits, I will be hanging some power on the front of that bad bird. Yep, still shooting for the Jan. 1 maiden. (weather permitting of course)