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Scale RCM 1/3 Scale Champ Build


Quick update on the Champ. Last time out had a bad landing and blew out one of the DuBro pneumatic 5 1/2" tires. I've given up on the idea of pneumatic tires and switched to Sullivan 6" Skylite wheels. The 38 pound per inch landing gear springs seemed a little soft so 50 pound per were ordered and installed. Added 2 degrees washout to the wings by adjusting the lift struts, added aileron to rudder mix, dialed in more aileron differential, removed 1 pound of the previously added 2 1/2 pounds. Two flights yesterday each about 5 minutes, getting better. Plan to remove move weight that was added next time out. Pretty sure I over reacted adding the weight, the flights yesterday convinced me that tail heavy condition was not the problem.
I can summarize the control as sluggish then all of sudden overcontrol. The Roto 85 runs great and sound greats, have a total of 4 temperature monitors on the cylinders, 210f was the maximum reached yesterday of course it was a mid 50's day. If weather cooperates may get another flight in this year, wore my arm out propping on the first start!


640cc Uber Pimp
Quick update on the Champ. Last time out had a bad landing and blew out one of the DuBro pneumatic 5 1/2" tires. I've given up on the idea of pneumatic tires and switched to Sullivan 6" Skylite wheels. The 38 pound per inch landing gear springs seemed a little soft so 50 pound per were ordered and installed. Added 2 degrees washout to the wings by adjusting the lift struts, added aileron to rudder mix, dialed in more aileron differential, removed 1 pound of the previously added 2 1/2 pounds. Two flights yesterday each about 5 minutes, getting better. Plan to remove move weight that was added next time out. Pretty sure I over reacted adding the weight, the flights yesterday convinced me that tail heavy condition was not the problem.
I can summarize the control as sluggish then all of sudden overcontrol. The Roto 85 runs great and sound greats, have a total of 4 temperature monitors on the cylinders, 210f was the maximum reached yesterday of course it was a mid 50's day. If weather cooperates may get another flight in this year, wore my arm out propping on the first start!

To remove one pound of weight must make a big difference. Nice to hear it is up and flying. Sounds like the Roto85 is a success keep us informed about the motor. I am in the hobby just so that I can play with all these motors just kidding but yes a love playing with them.
The next motor I would love own is a DA100 in-line, just love the sound, and power.


From Saturday, didn't take long to loose the leaves near our field. Leaves just starting to turn in my back yard.

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68F today in the burgh, got three flights in, the last flight engine maximum temperature was 250F. Removed the 9 ounce heavy brass hub and replaced with the Tru Turn washer, believe it weights 2 ounces. Next move will be to replace the steel stands off with the original aluminum standoffs and reinstall the heavy hub, fly the plane and then replace the heavy hub based on the flight. Currently removed 1 1/2 pounds. Don't believe I have many more flight left this season.
flights this year.


Had the Champ out on Saturday for the first time this year. Over the winter I replaced the Sullivan 6" Skylite wheels with 5 1/2" DuBro lite weight wheels (4 1/2 ounce saving), replaced the rear windows with .015" thick PETG ( 2 1/2 ounce saving), replaced the steel tailwheel springs with 1/4" thick aluminum ( 2 ounce saving), removed the steel engine standoffs and replaced with the original aluminum ones (8 ounce saving). I reinstalled the brass heavy hub and flew the plane twice, then reinstalled the stock aluminum washer. Flew three more flights. It's getting better. Still have ounces of lead shot epoxied in the cowl that I plan to remove this week. I'm CD'ing the 8th Annual Summer Solstice Fun Fly this weekend and hope to fly the plane at the event.
The engine temps run right around 220 F, have four sensors, one on the top of each cylinder and one one on the top of each head just above the gasket. After the first start of the day the engine starts on the first or second flip with the choke on, the choke is on a spring switch and I caught the engine running on three occasions. It is starting the burble in the midrange so I need to adjust the low needle a little, runs great at WOT. It is consistently idling at 1100 rpm and will idle at 1000 or just under. It's not power house put pulls the 40 pound plane with ease.
I also replaced the Frsky M+ micro receiver with a Frsky R4, the RSSI improved and VFR was 95% or better during each flight.
If you are in Indiana PA this upcoming Saturday stop by and check out the fun fly.


  • 2022 Flyer.pdf
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640cc Uber Pimp
Holy smokes! Your plane went on a serious diet. I had to add it up... 1.8# is no joke... around 20% lighter?????!!!