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GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Oh man that sucks!!!! And I thought I was having a bad day.... Sorry for your loss!!! One question, you can't get a new fuse from EF?

I can get a new cowl, new canopy, new landing gear, new elevator/horizontal stab, new rudder.... But no fuse :crying:


I can get a new cowl, new canopy, new landing gear, new elevator/horizontal stab, new rudder.... But no fuse :crying:

Thats too bad.... maybe some hoarder has a spare fuse stashed away somewhere lol..... Still feeling lucky with my mishap today compared to yours but im scared! :veryshocked: LOL


I had a very strange thing happen today with my EF 91 Extra. I'll try to make this brief. Quick background on the plane, as of this morning I have had 5 and a half flights on the airframe. It is set up with 2 two cell lipo 2650mah batteries feeding a Fromeco Wolverine switch feeding dual power into my AR-8000 receiver and I have Savox 1270TG servos on all control surfaces. All new items except the receiver which was a year old and never crashed or abused in any way. This morning when I was flying it I did a couple blenders and a knife edge spin into a flat spin and then I went back up and tried a half cuban 8 and while pulling up I noticed the airplane rolled left enough that it rolled out of the maneuver. So I tried it again, same result. So I did a harrier down and went into a hover at that point I noticed that only the left elevator was working so I immediately landed and shut of the engine but left the power on to the receiver. The right elevator half was locked in about a 20 degree down position. I checked all the connectors at the receiver and all were in and tight. The left elevator half was working just fine. I did fix my problem with the aileron extensions pulling out from the last flight on sunday. I did do a rebind on the receiver and still no right elevator half working. So I emptied the fuel tank, took the wings off and brought the plane home and put it on my stand. I then powered it up, moved the elevator stick on my DX-8 and still no movement on the right half but now all you could hear was the left elevator half servo spinning internally with no movement on the elevator, obviously stripped gears.... BUT HOW??? Since it sits in my truck with a canopy on the 10 mile trip home and no incidents or brake slams, basically an uneventful trip home. So now I'm getting frustrated!! I have never had one problem with Savox servos, ever! Not to say they cant have problems... I can move the right elevator half and you can feel the gears working inside but I cant get it to move with the transmitter no matter what channel I plug it in to, and the left elevator is just plain stripped. Question is...... What would be YOUR next step? I thought about replacing the servos but I have all the SWB arms that fit Futaba spline, I dont want to replace those, I also thought about replacing the two bad servos and buying an AR9110 power safe receiver in case that caused the stripping and the burnt out servo but all power was disconnected on the way home, how did that servo strip? Obviously I got lucky today but now Im a bit apprehensive to trust ANY servos......... Very puzzled......:cursing:

Update: Just got the servos out of the elevators and the servo I thought had stripped gears actually doesn't. All gears are fine it is just the center gear with large gear on top and small gear on the bottom, the small gear on bottom free wheels on the shaft.....
And the servo that quit moving smells burnt inside....
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70cc twin V2
Just a question for you. How many amps can a ar8000 handle? Not wondering if that was the problem i just wonder what theyre rated at. I had a 9ch receiver but bought a powersafe for a 50cc. Im not sure i needed it but i like having 2 batteries plugged in and it wont hurt to have a bigger receiver than needed


Well the max amps I got when I was setting up the airplane was 8.3 amps and it did fine, I dont think that was my problem either but I am considering getting the power safe receiver because there is no published amp limit on the AR 8000


640cc Uber Pimp
Check out this killer Joe Smith vid!



GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Hacker A60-18L motor, Hacker Master Spin 99 PRO OPTO ESC, Jeti Box programmer for ESC (already programmed and ready to rip).