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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


I saw Frank Noll do a TRUE deathslide a couple of years ago at St.Marys,WV fun fly. You pull vertical, cut the throttle and slowly add rudder and throttle on the way down as the tail catches up with the nose of the airplane it will soft of create a KE drift with the nose of the airplane slightly pointed toward you, or the crowd; but the airplane is still traveling in the forward motion (not necessarily a KE but sort of a drifting effect). Pretty cool when done right, I'll try to look for a video.

yea pretty much looked like what i was doing. im sure i explained it wrong. it kinda reminded me of doing a KE cross wind crab landing. theres a couple of videos of Joe Smith doing nice ones also.


70cc twin V2
yea pretty much looked like what i was doing. im sure i explained it wrong. it kinda reminded me of doing a KE cross wind crab landing. theres a couple of videos of Joe Smith doing nice ones also.

Yes. It starts in a knife edge dive then from there goes into an inverted crab type thing. The video above is the KE dive, but then he goes into a rolling harrier. Maybe there are different names for both maneuvers :confused:


GSN Contributor
Really liking tapatalk hd for the iPad. Just got an iPad mini today, and got this app right away. Very intuitive finger surfing forum layout


70cc twin V2
Nothing specific but a bit of indoor flying for one of my local schools today.




That was pretty cool that you got to fly for the kids. The buster looks like fun, i got to get one of those.