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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


Me, my son, Herb, and @emtp275 got out this morning for a few flights. Herb is really loving the longer flight times on his Escapade now that it's gas. I'm going to go ahead and order up some MG servo's, and battery, and get started with converting the Stick to gas. @mulehead1969 has a DLE 20 we will purchase off him, to finish her off. Pic of my son Jacob, and @emtp275 this morning, can't believe he stayed out the whole flight with Justin, so time to get his trainer out, and get him started flying again.

And that wasn't a short flight, some where around 10min which is all that slick is good for at one time. Came home after that and took a nap went back out and got a few more in really connected today on low and slow after frying my brain working on rollers, was sitting here thinking bout charging the rx lipos and hitting it again but the beer in the fridge won the fight.... Sun burned and happy! Im done for the day.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Well looks like a random thunderstorm put a nail in the coffin for flying today :confused:

As an update, we've been getting flood worthy rains all afternoon. Had to take my motorcycle in for a recall today and got poured on halfway to the dealership. Supposed to continue into tomorrow.

Drought my ass... :cautious:
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