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Scale Wendell Hostetler 30% PA-28 Cherokee Build


No, the firewall is the barrier between the high pressure zone and the low pressure zone. The air entering the cowl is slightly higher pressure due to flow through the air (Velocity Pressure), the area behind the will be at lower pressure caused by the lip on the cowl. Air will flow across the pressure barrier. The goal of the ducts is to ensure the airflow is close to the cylinder head or at least I hope! The cylinders are right in line with the openings of the cowl, the only way for air to escape is across the cylinders.
The attached pdf is a log of the Champ in November 2021, it was in the low 70's, great day. This flight was about 8 minutes, there are 2 temp sensors on each head, four total. I'm happy with the results, a photo of the Champ baffle is included below. The ducts on the Cherokee are much better so I expect it will run cooler.




  • 11-8.pdf
    151.5 KB · Views: 257


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I plan to use the stabilize and self leveling function only so I will do a quick set and it will require one switch. The hover and knife edge functions will not be utilized.
The final baffles are installed.

WHAT? This isn't going to hover? Jeeze, all this following along for nothing..............




Working on the throttle and choke controls. This is the first Walbro carburetor that I have with a spring return choke. I plan to use pull on spring return on both the throttle and choke. Make small pulley out of 3/8" brass rod, the one in the photo will register in the larger choke level hole, the throttle pulley is installed.
