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640cc Uber Pimp
That's a great idea @49dimes. Only thing I hate about that style of rims is the "squeak". Seems not matter what they squeak unless you oil them frequently. Would be cool with small bearings!


Damn I'm hungry
That's a great idea @49dimes. Only thing I hate about that style of rims is the "squeak". Seems not matter what they squeak unless you oil them frequently. Would be cool with small bearings!

I oiled the bushing well. I noted that the bronze bushing will press out fairly easily. And it is oilite bronze! You could soak the bushings in warm 30 weight for an hour to extend their use before having to break out the "zoom spout". Any way they do roll like they do have ball bearings!


640cc Uber Pimp
Actually is a pretty darn good idea, and with bearings!! Nice looking rims too. What's the scoop on where you got them?


70cc twin V2
You can get them at most sporting goods stores. I actually wanted to try some a few years ago on my smaller planes but never got around to it. I was surprised to find that they have big ones now. Anyways, they have an 8 mm hole in the 608 bearings so I used 5/16 0.d 3/16 i.d polyethylene tubing from the plumbing supply section for the difference. Works good.


70cc twin V2
Obviously you cut the tubing flush with a razor blade. The lock collars are just big enough to hold against the inner race.