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Search results

  1. dhal22

    K&B 7.5 ducted fan

    I have several high rpm nitro engines that will probably never run as they're all nib. I got the itch to make some noise so I picked up this used K&B. I'm going to go through it first then make some noise.
  2. dhal22

    Resurrection Eagle II

    I built this back in the 80's, it hung around at my parents house for years. No idea where the wing went so I bought one. Going to get this in the air and train my boys to fly.
  3. dhal22

    Slow forums

    To all of us (including me) who aren't posting here a lot recently...................... :msn_slap: :laughing:
  4. dhal22

    Tundra problem

    A couple of weeks ago i got some much appreciated advice on my tundra. Can't find the advice so starting a thread here. All channels work upon initial setup (flaps, rudder, elevator..........) except throttle. It's electric so maybe there's a safety feature?
  5. dhal22

    Mini lathe (and mill) discussion.

    Back on my 'I need (want) a mini lathe' mood. Anyone have an opinion? Soooo many options out there.
  6. dhal22

    Big blue wire nut

    @BalsaDust did I do this right? You say one, I had to use 3.
  7. dhal22

    Pilot 35% Yak teardown/ replacement

    After dozens of emails and months of trying to get rebuild parts from Pilot RC I gave up. I am just going to move everything to a new Yak now. Pictures of the new one as I swap everything over.
  8. dhal22

    DA120 running rich?

    While repairing the landing gear section of my Edge I had it upside down and noticed not bad but enough oil exhaust build up in the mufflers pipes to ask. How much residue is normal?
  9. dhal22

    Spark switch

    Anyone familiar with a spark switch? My ignition battery was left on and died and i gotta work my way through someone else's wiring.
  10. dhal22

    Express Pawn and Gun Aerobatic Team

    Anybody know when tryouts for this team will be? Someone said bring IPAs and you're a shooin..................
  11. dhal22

    Vintage Pattern fly in

    I see a pattern fly in that I might attend. There are a couple of classic pattern fans here that might be interested.
  12. dhal22

    Revoletrix GT500

    I'm slowly learning to use my Cellpro 6 but got this for field charging and apparently more user friendly. Not bad for $75.
  13. dhal22

    Ed Nano batteries

    My Areoworks 540 came with Ed Nano batteries and a balance charge cord that connected to a hitec charger. The cord does not match my Cellpro connectors. Any ideas?
  14. dhal22

    Rebuild or not?

    Time to strip my Pilot Yak and ascertain whether it is worth rebuilding. The free rebuild wood is the only reason I am considering rebuilding. Clearing a work table to take a look.
  15. dhal22

    3W - 112 quad for sale

    For us 3W lovers there is a 112 quad for sale on FG.
  16. dhal22

    3W low end question

    My ultra reliable 106 is not holding low idle. Need to adjust the low needle I suppose so starting here for advice.
  17. dhal22

    Scale Nelitz 1/3 scale Cub build

    I have bought a Nelitz 1/3 scale Cub kit from Don at Rcaiir.com. Don primarily sells classic pattern plane kits (I have bought a few of those) but he sells a few giant scale kits as well. Looks to be a nice kit. Very smooth laser cutting. .
  18. dhal22

    3W lovers

    Earlier this year I bought a 3W engine that was listed as near new but was was in very poor condition. After arguing with the seller I filed a dispute with PayPal, ate the shipping and sent the engine back. It is relisted again elsewhere and I want to prevent my friends here from wasting...
  19. dhal22

    Finally got a trailer...

    Usually too busy to ever get serious about acquiring a plane hauler but finally found the right situation. An elderly retired friend of mine asked me recently if I knew of anyone that might be interested in a cargo trailer. He sold this to me cheap! .
  20. dhal22

    DA 170 ignition question

    I acquired a very clean 170 a couple of years and suspect the ignition is new. What do I do with the raw end of the battery (?) wire? .