MMW gives an etched cutout for a possible throttle servo location. It looked pretty good for my Standard MG servo, so I decided to go with it. What I didn't realize is that my custom throttle arm linkage was slightly longer, so I ended up cutting more material out to move the servo aft a little bit. The manual shows using some spare blocks to go on top of the deck, I ended up putting them underneath the floor.
Measured the distance to the servo arm from the deck and transferred it to the fwd firewall. Looked from the top to get the angle from the servo arm to my custom extended throttle arm, drilled, and then elongated to get the right clearance.
The Ignition module location is pretty obvious, right on top of the motor box. Found a spot I liked then made a couple slots to let the module fit snugly with a piece of foam underneath it.
Then routed the ignition wire to make a smooth path to the plug, made a couple clearance cuts, and a little standoff to put a zip tie around so the wire wont float to the cowling and rub against it.
Got a little ambitious and made a hole for the fuel line vent. Thinking back I probably should have made it a little further away from the ignition wire, but its fine.
Joined my elevator halves FINALLY, used some clamps and standoffs to keep everything as true as possible, keeping in mind I can fine tune it a bit by bending and installing my robart hinges.