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Scale 20cc DHC-2 "Beaver" Kit Build from Moustache Model Works


640cc Uber Pimp
Hard call to make unfortunate that is turning the plane to left. If it was to the right I would leave it, but to left try to do something, easier said than done. The only way I can think of doing is strip the covering of one side twist the rudder in the correct direction until some of the ca joints crack and then re glue it holding it flat or even a little to much. Just suggestion. Or fly it and see how much trim it needs and then decide.
Appreciate the input. It's hard to see in the picture, but the twist only starts at the lower 1/3 section. It's strait on the upper 2/3. It's pretty delicate, but I'm afraid it's going to drive me crazy if I dont do anything about it. The DHC-2 full scale loves coordinated turns. It's ailerons are pretty useless. As an aircraft mechanic I was given some instruction and shown this. So the Rudder is important to me! I really wish this kit had jigs for building the tail. Would have saved me a lot of time.


640cc Uber Pimp
Whelp I literally had to crush and break my rudder, add a slap of light balsa to it and power sand it down.... I just need to attempt to make it look pretty again. What a pain. Franken-Rudder needs a make over. The pointy end now is correct-ish. Probably would have been easier to hack the lower end off and put a balsa tree on and sand it down. Starting to think maybe I shouldn’t have attempted to work on it at 1:30-2:30am after work... I was getting a bit angry with it after the umpteenth snap crackle pop.
just need to smooth/blend it out and cover it back up. It’s not by any means perfect.
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640cc Uber Pimp
Looking a lot better, I would rather have your problem than mine getting the cowl colours right is out of my control. Making the rudder right is aggravating but doable.


640cc Uber Pimp
Looking a lot better, I would rather have your problem than mine getting the cowl colours right is out of my control. Making the rudder right is aggravating but doable.

touché, I’d trade you in a heart beat ha ha. You make balsa work look easy!
Ok, off to bed for me! 4am is almost here... yikes


640cc Uber Pimp
Covered the horizontal stab. This took a little extra thought for me. The manual notes that you may need to make a relief slot in the HS9 for the rudder control rod. I had to make a pretty significant one. Since I feel like all these notches were compromising its structural integrity I decided to add a couple very thin strips of glass. Sanded down and covered over it.
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Need to start back up on the rudder now.


640cc Uber Pimp
I really need some balsa filler that matches.... Used a darker filler and I'm afraid it's going to show up super bad through the bright yellow ultracote... even considering priming the rudder now. No pic at the moment.


640cc Uber Pimp
Frankenstein rudder is coming along. It’s pointing the way it should which makes me happy. Bit of a gap at the bottom which I may add more balsa somewhere. My off color filler I just decided to dust some rattle can over to mask the dark line a bit.


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640cc Uber Pimp
Added a piece of balsa under the lower rudder to fill in the gap and sanded it down until I was happy with it. I did sand it down more than what you see in this picture.

Recovered and it sits strait like it should.


feels good to get that done. Next up is covering that balsa tail cone piece and adding blue covering to the rudder and elevator tips/counter balances.


640cc Uber Pimp
Nick the tail cone is it plastic and is it going to be covered with ultra coat. If is need detailed procedure if that is ok with you.