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Scale 20cc DHC-2 "Beaver" Kit Build from Moustache Model Works


640cc Uber Pimp
Installed the horizontal. Ended up having to shim the right side up a bit to make everything square.

The elevator control horn was hitting the canted bulkhead, so I put a piece of spruce in the corner and relieved the area for proper movement.

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640cc Uber Pimp
Decided I wanted to use a solderable kwik link instead of a snap link on the servo side. Just looks cleaner and more robust.
Had to make a little joggle to the servo horn for everything to line up like I wanted it to.
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640cc Uber Pimp
On the elevator horn I made a little spacer from a servo horn to take away the slop in the linkage... the last thing I want is that piece shaking itself to death. Sanded to fit.

I had to remove some more of the canted bulkhead to allow worry free motion of the elevator kwik link.

Tuned out great, full elevator movement end point to end point. Perfecto!


640cc Uber Pimp
The tail cone is ready for final fitting and to be painted. Used some scrap to test the yellow enamels I found. I like the one on top, although slightly brighter.378776C6-56B1-4656-8B8B-09BFD0CFD5AE.jpeg1A91CE0C-186C-43D7-880D-95C746D3ABE0.jpeg


640cc Uber Pimp
Trying to figure out what the manual meant for the overlap being too big and it’ll be fine... ok, so it means like what my photo shows. Looks like it’s off, but trimming away the material shows that no corners were cut.
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