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Scale 50% Dalotel 165

Hello, you continued the DALOTEL 50 %?

I understand that you built a smaller model.

Best regards,

Yes Christophe, I am building the 50% Dalotel but until the smaller one is ready to fly for this season I am concentrating on it, you can see the build thread here http://giantscalenews.com/threads/dalotel-junior.1349/

I am looking forward to get back on the big one soon, probably in a few weeks
OK guys, I need advice, the wings will be sheeted with 1/32" plywood, not a problem but , on the leading edge I need to form the proper curve, any suggestions I'm all ears


40% happier than most folks.
Wet with water, let rest until the start to curl , bend slowly and tape in place till dry, repeat if necessary for extreme bends.
Or... make a mock up of the curve out of waste stock and bend wet repeat on the table instead of in place, that way thw water doesnt effect the wing stock. Like making balsa tubes for wiring. Able to get 1/32" into inner radius of 3/4" pvc pipe, go slow.