Couple more flights on the ARS. Temps seemed to keep cooler staying under 330F, even with some WOT shenanigans.

Timer is a little off, but that’s 15 honest minutes of flying.
I wanted to see what the inside of the rudder looked like.... OK OK OK, naw, I screwed up.
I had to call it quits when my mind was aloof and I landed high alpha on the rudder... some days your head is just not in the game.
I was able to fix it up last night. What a pain to be honest. It’s built light. Which makes the repair a bit harder and the lack of cap strips on the ribs made me take off more film tban I needed. The good news is that skywing includes repair covering with their models! So I used what was provided.
Is it perfect? NO! Will it work? Most definitely!
I will say that this china cote is interesting, it has a white backing. So you'll always get a true color. The downside is that when it shrinks and you pull on the iron, it shows the edge. Talked with Tim at NWRC yesterday and he said they are moving towards using ultracote, except the metalic colors which are too rich and vibrant to replace with ultra cote. This stuff is much thicker too.
Oh, and I need a new tailwheel... Hmmmmm ideas?