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IMAC Dalton 300 ml build thread.

anyone know, should i open up the bottom aspect of the front of the cowl?
Grrrr. I have a handfull of dubro monster ball links. Want me to mail em rush.. I will if you want, just ask. Serious.

thank you so much Brian!!! no, that will not be necessary!! i will wait. i do not get back to work until January 5, so i am certain i can get in the air before i get back to work.


I am undecided where all of my equipment will go. Probably the hardest part for me is trying to figure out how to mount everything neatly!
I hear you Kevin. I did a great deal of contemplating and meditation to figure it out. The good thing is my CG came out good with the batteries in the back of the hatch area. not too far back that it is hard to get to, but right under the pilot. so it is easy to get out for charging. granted, i am certain i build more heavy than Tony.