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IMAC Dalton 300 ml build thread.


70cc twin V2
Hey Cam, what factors lead you to deviate from the plans, on the control surfaces? Other builds of the same design with these mods?
Hey Cam, what factors lead you to deviate from the plans, on the control surfaces? Other builds of the same design with these mods?

the ailerons, i compromised, some made them way shorter than me. i think my mod here is not significant to original.
The rudder, counterbalance, i had seen others had done this as well. hard to say, from talking to others if it makes much of a differnece, some seem to think it may, others say, they cannot appreciate a difference.

the pins on the stab, i knew that i need to add some weight to the tail, so i went with titanium over hard wood dowels. probably not much of a difference.

oh wait, i think i answered your question, you only want to know about the control surfaces./

i saw one guy's build thread, where the aileron looks like 3/5 of the total possible trailing edge of wing, instead of 9.5/10, like it is supposed to be.


70cc twin V2
the ailerons, i compromised, some made them way shorter than me. i think my mod here is not significant to original.
The rudder, counterbalance, i had seen others had done this as well. hard to say, from talking to others if it makes much of a differnece, some seem to think it may, others say, they cannot appreciate a difference.

the pins on the stab, i knew that i need to add some weight to the tail, so i went with titanium over hard wood dowels. probably not much of a difference.

oh wait, i think i answered your question, you only want to know about the control surfaces./

i saw one guy's build thread, where the aileron looks like 3/5 of the total possible trailing edge of wing, instead of 9.5/10, like it is supposed to be.

Cool man!! I'm always interested in modifications and stuff like that.


40% happier than most folks.
Hey Cam, my son just got a job at Two Johns restaurant there in shrevesport, he makes a mean " old fashioned". If you ever go there his names Damon.
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oh wow!! my wife and i went there for our 10 year anniversary. We will be sure to go by there again and look for him. That is a very fancy restaurant. Great steaks.
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New to GSN!
Well, the Dalton came out looking tremendous, I bet you are proud of it.... you should be. My friend was at the AMA expo in Ontario, CA this past weekend, and he sent me a photo of a DA-200 that was on display at the Desert Aircraft booth that had a red case, and I remembered having seen your DA-200 with a red case. I assumed that you had painted it, but now I'm wondering if DA is offering a red case option? I'm usually the last to find out about these things...


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DA has 3 versions of the 200

the inner workings are the same among the three types
1. standard da 200, this one weighs 10.95 pounds
2. The DA200 light shaves weight off of the cylinders which saves ¾ of a pound. these cylinders have less fin material compared to the standard one.
3. The DA 200 magnesium goes further by substituting magnesium for the aluminum case which save another ¾ of a pound. So this has same as 2 above, plus a crankcase made of magnesium. Because the magnesium is corrosive, it has to be painted, to protect it. or at least, this is what i am told.

my DA 200 is the lightest version of the three. it weighs little bit less than 9.5 pounds.

The DA200 standard sells for $2795.00, the DA200 light sells for $3045.00, and the DA200 magnesium sells for $3645.00.

do not tell my wife!!!


New to GSN!
DA has 3 versions of the 200

the inner workings are the same among the three types
1. standard da 200, this one weighs 10.95 pounds
2. The DA200 light shaves weight off of the cylinders which saves ¾ of a pound. these cylinders have less fin material compared to the standard one.
3. The DA 200 magnesium goes further by substituting magnesium for the aluminum case which save another ¾ of a pound. So this has same as 2 above, plus a crankcase made of magnesium. Because the magnesium is corrosive, it has to be painted, to protect it. or at least, this is what i am told.

my DA 200 is the lightest version of the three. it weighs little bit less than 9.5 pounds.

The DA200 standard sells for $2795.00, the DA200 light sells for $3045.00, and the DA200 magnesium sells for $3645.00.

do not tell my wife!!!
I'm familiar with the 3 versions of the 200, I have a 200m in my Carden Pro, but every 200m I've seen until recently has had a black painted case- and the black paint doesn't stick all that well, so it makes sense that they would try a different process, and possibly also a different color to go with the new process. I guess you're saying that your 200m came painted red, eh? Man, I wish mine had come red, it would match my Pro's color scheme better! I bought mine about a year ago.
yep, mine came red!! i am no good in painting, i can barely do the cowl,. much less a motor!! LOL! ;)
i was on the waiting list for the 200 for about 1 year.
But then, all of a sudden, i got a call. it was like, one of the happiest days of my life, after, my wedding, my babies being born, and me getting my HS, college, med school diplomas!!
well, maybe not that exciting, but exciting enough for me!!
i felt like i won the lottery!!
turns out, that was the one that was ready, if i wanted the other ones, i would have had to wait more. so i took it. Thanks Tony!!!!
three test flights today. went great. the official maiden will be on Saturday. Today, there was no one at the club, and as you can see, no wheel pants. on saturday, there will be wheel pants on.

today, temp was about 60 degrees. our runway runs north/south. there was an 8 to 10 mph perpendicular cross wind.

Once she was airborne, i needed about 5 clicks of up elevator. and she flew level. when i did an upline looks like she pulled to left (might need to add little bit more right thrust), but then again, hard to tell since the wind was coming from the east. when i did the 45 degree inverted climb, no hands, and she is slightly, ever so slightly, nose heavy.

when i did a downline roll, she rolled on axis. seems to want to pull out of a down line. (might need to add little bit more of down thrust?)

for rudder turns, there is pitch coupling and roll coupling. with knife edge, there is more pitch coupling and minimal roll coupling.

i added a mix for knife edge and another mix for rudder flat turns. this improved the coupling dramatically. still needs a tiny bit more tweaking.

some fun telemetry data
1. each flight consumed between 400 and 600 mAh. (200 to 300 pre battery)
2, 10 minutes of flight consumed under 1 liter of fuel. i have a 2 liter tank. (most of the flying was done with throttle at mid stick)
3. the Delro prop, was spinning at about 6350 rpm when unloaded. again, this was up in the air, not a ground rpm.

4. for cylinder temps, looks like the front cylinder were slightly cooler than the rear cylinders, temps ranged from 210 to 240 during flight.

landing the airplane= was very very easy. She floats in for landings. Best and easiest airplane to land that i have had. Much easier than the two 3DHS extra's that i own (40%'ers). (One of which is no longer in flying condition.).

the airplane is super quiet with the KS cans, and the throttle response is excellent. mid stick is what i used most for level flight. no ripping at that position, makes it very very quiet.

the airplane on idling (on asphalt) does not pull forward, and has very little vibrations.
