i am wondering if i should go with a 1.5 liter tank, that would make it less nose heavy. or, if i should fix the thrust?
CG. Push your CG back using your batteries about 1" at a time. Also too, when you get wheel panties on it, (should be a law against flying without them)it will add a bit more nose weight, therefore making it more nose heavy. So, you will need more tail weight. If you run out of battery lead, you could always stick , dare I say, dead weight in on the tailwheel block in the rear of the airplane. For every 3 ounces of nose weight, you will need ~1 oz in the tail to counteract.
Thrust line sounds like it may be right on? How is the up/down thrust on a vertical up line? If it is windy, I will orient the airplane to where I can see either up/down or left right orientation. I will do it both in the wind and in a down wind segments.
Incidence..... It gets a little touchy feely there...... You could give yourself 1 washer of down incidence (raise the LE of the stab) on your mounting tab, provided you went with the method shown on the plans. If you go this route, be prepared to retrim the elevators.
My D300 flys with 33oz of fuel on board with a 157/170 engine. I fly 9 min, and this is mixed 3d/precision flight. Once I get the engine tuned up better, I would expect lesser fuel consumption in the same amount of flight time. A smaller fuel tank will only shorten your flying time, I don't think it will change your CG that much.