thank you very much!!
i was thinking about my first 5 flights, and wanted to come up with a solution to some of the trimming, and i have decided to remove the GRAPHTEC stab tube, which weighs about 7/8 of an ounce. then i replaced it with a german 3W aluminum stab tube that has a hard wood core glued in, which weighs 2 and 7/8 ounces. reason being is that the airplane is slightly nose heavy, and on the maiden, i had to give the airplane 5 clicks of up elevator. this ended up causing a significant amount of "problems" if you will, for my flying. meaning, it would make it more work for me. for example, if i get inverted, like in the beginning of the sport mans, the two point roll, immediately after getting inverted, i have to push, to maintain level. in addition, during down lines, it would pull out quite soon, i understand this is an incidence problem, but, i imagine if the tail weight makes the airplane climb, and i trim this out, then the downline and the inverted flight would be "more" straight relatively speaking. lets see what happens!! i will fly her again tomorrow.