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IMAC Dalton 300 ml build thread.

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Hey Orthobird,

I've just finished reading through your EXCELLENT build thread and I think you did a fantastic job in building your Extra. I hope you have MANY MANY enjoyable years flying your plane............:yesss:

:way_to_go:thank you very much!!

i was thinking about my first 5 flights, and wanted to come up with a solution to some of the trimming, and i have decided to remove the GRAPHTEC stab tube, which weighs about 7/8 of an ounce. then i replaced it with a german 3W aluminum stab tube that has a hard wood core glued in, which weighs 2 and 7/8 ounces. reason being is that the airplane is slightly nose heavy, and on the maiden, i had to give the airplane 5 clicks of up elevator. this ended up causing a significant amount of "problems" if you will, for my flying. meaning, it would make it more work for me. for example, if i get inverted, like in the beginning of the sport mans, the two point roll, immediately after getting inverted, i have to push, to maintain level. in addition, during down lines, it would pull out quite soon, i understand this is an incidence problem, but, i imagine if the tail weight makes the airplane climb, and i trim this out, then the downline and the inverted flight would be "more" straight relatively speaking. lets see what happens!! i will fly her again tomorrow.
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Cam, have you gone thru this trim scenario - step by step? We found that Phillip's Sukhoi needed about 3/32" downthrust to get a perfect verticle upline. We used the last step in the chart after he got the CG and right thrust where he wanted them. The downthrust step is not totally clear as to how to do it but what you do is start a straight horizontal line at abut 3/4 throttle then quickly reduce the throttle to idle and without using elevator or rudder input see what happens! If the nose drops then add downthrust and vice versa.


  • Trim Chart.pdf
    343.4 KB · Views: 11
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i am good there bobby!! mine stays level on that test. it may not after i move the cg slightly back. i will report back tomorrow after i fly it.


Cam...not sure you're gonna see much, if any change swapping anything near the CG (which is probably somewhere near the spar tube. That's just not much leverage arm to make a difference....and if it right ON the CG then it will make zero difference, except for wing loading.