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IMAC Dalton 300 ml build thread.


flew this baby 8 times today!! wow is all i can say. got it mostly all trimmed out. i am still on the fence on whether she needs a slight amount of right thrust, but otherwise, she tracks on money! sometimes, without any rudder, it will fly straight up, other times, i need to add right rudder to keep her straight.
ok, when i go to take her off, she will pull to the left each time, i always have to give her right rudder on take off.

Cam it sounds like your a happy man...compared to your other planes do you feel it was well worth the trouble and will you or would you do it again?
I once put a 50cc engine on a 35cc plane and it would do the same thing...pull to the left on take off or if I gave it too much throttle...that is a bad ass engine you have on that plane for sure....
Cam it sounds like your a happy man...compared to your other planes do you feel it was well worth the trouble and will you or would you do it again?
I once put a 50cc engine on a 35cc plane and it would do the same thing...pull to the left on take off or if I gave it too much throttle...that is a bad ass engine you have on that plane for sure....

absolutely!! doubt i will ever buy another ARF!
if i were to, it would be the EF 125" extra.
but i would much rather build. i would like to build another Dalton (yak), a radio wave, and a carden (3 to 5 years from now!!).

i still have several airplane kits i have to build, i need to finish the P51,
i also have a PT 19 in a box, i must build.
and, i have that Dalton Yak!! that one has to be built as well within next year or two!!

i think the pulling on take off is normal!!
I am using a 5000 mAh battery x2 (total of 10,000), and a 200 cc gas motor with two tech aero IBEC, then hv servos, total of 9.
does 800 Mah (400 per battery) consumption for 12 minutes flight sound reasonable?


70cc twin V2
I am using a 5000 mAh battery x2 (total of 10,000), and a 200 cc gas motor with two tech aero IBEC, then hv servos, total of 9.
does 800 Mah (400 per battery) consumption for 12 minutes flight sound reasonable?[/QUOTE
On my plane I think the ibec pulls about 120Mah/flight. Your numbers are about 25% higher than mine which makes sense since I'm still doing basic.
ok, i am a lucky guy!!
i removed the cowl, and since the beginning, every time i entered the trailer, there was this gas smell.
which before, was never there.
ok, i remove the cowl, and make sure everything is tight.
i then inspect the fuel line (tygon), where it inserts into the front carb's nipple, and i noticed the metal retaining clip is off, and there is fuel dripping, and the line was on its way off.

now this did not happen when i removed the cowl, since removing the cowl goes no where near to the fuel lines.

this sucker has been leaking fuel all along, and it was just a matter of time before it caught on fire or i dead-sticked.

ok, it is fixed now. i changed all the lines to Viton, and now there is one un-interuppted fuel line from each PSP cap/tank to each carb. no T-s or brass tubes in the middle.
Some of those spring clips don't have enough tension to retain anything. I have used Tygon with much success, sometimes I don't use a tie wrap, sometimes I do. I have since then switched over to TDRC's fuel line. It is super tight going on. Saliva helps a little, but still not enough. So I have been using heat to soften the fuel line. Then I squeeze the line with my fingers as it cools, only take a couple of seconds. It takes alot of grunt to remove the fuel line from the fuel inlet on the carb or on the fuel tanks.
Well, i made several discoveries, the fuel line that was leaking was causing air bubbles to run into one carb only, making that one run leaner, and thus warmer. now all 4 cylinder are nearly same temp since i did the repair on all of the fuel lines. Also, now engine cranks right up! amazing, that one carb was probably not getting enough fuel!! wow, was i lucky.



that one carb was probably not getting enough fuel!! wow, was i lucky.

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Which makes me wonder and I've asked this question before....how do you tune a four cylinder duel carburetor engine. If one carb is rich or lean obviously the engine wont run right so I have always wondered how one can discern the problem carburetor ... As much as that engine cost I'm sure DA has it fine tuned perfectly before it ever leaves Arizona...any special instructions on synchronizing the carbs?


I like 'em "BIG"!
I am using a 5000 mAh battery x2 (total of 10,000), and a 200 cc gas motor with two tech aero IBEC, then hv servos, total of 9.
does 800 Mah (400 per battery) consumption for 12 minutes flight sound reasonable?
Are you running your ignition off the two 5000 packs? If so, that really is not too bad. I typically use around 350 per pack per 12 minute flight. My ignition is separate from the flight packs.