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IMAC Dalton 300 ml build thread.

Cool. I think I have a 33" sanding bar from GP. My tip is pretty close to sharp just by trying to follow the curve of the foam core from the sheeted area to the LE material. I will go with a fine grit and take my time!


Its interesting that he told you to make the tip sharp and the root blunt. Over on the Probro site we do this and refer to it as zippering the LE but we do it the opposite way making the root sharp and the tip blunt. The object behind this method is to get the inner portion of the wing to stall before the outer portion. When in say a harrier this is good as it will help to reduce wing rock as the outer portion is still producing lift after the inner portion as stalled. It also helps to smooth out the transition into High Alpha.


70cc twin V2
Will be interesting what others say but I think for IMAC you want the tips to stall first for good snaps and spin entries.


Ok that makes since if that's what you are looking for. I guess with a profile for the most part it is always in a HA attitude or flip flopping around so you need it that way to keep the tip from stalling.
Ok that makes since if that's what you are looking for. I guess with a profile for the most part it is always in a HA attitude or flip flopping around so you need it that way to keep the tip from stalling.

the way it is now, it flies awesome, and for snaps, it is crisp and clean. The best airplane i have ever flown. I think Tony Russo is a master at designing and setting up these kits!!
the New Falcon prop is working great. Max RPM in the air is 6600, and no more ripping.
It is a 29 x 13 3 blade prop.
I have a Falcon 30 x 12 prop, but that may be too much!! i have not tested that one yet.
the airplane now has 44 flight under her, 8.5 hours of flight, and the 200 has 13 gallons of fuel thru her.
Some observations...

The J&J tailwheel bracket, the forward one, has stretched out. SO now, i have changed that one out, and installed a thicker strap. this should now be solid.

2nd Observation, i had purchased the Graph Tec wing tube and stab tube.
The wing tube slides in easily into the fuselage and the wing sockets.

The airplane, during flight, will make a vibration sound, at a low to mid rpm, i was wondering if this was from the wing tube vibrating, so i have applied 3 coats of clear epoxy KLASS KOTE. Now the wing tube slides in and out with significant friction.

I am still concerned, and wondering if this rattle, that occurs on the ground also, if the RPM gets low enough, could be coming from the standoffs???

I am considering changing out the standoffs for the plywood block i made.
If i do so, i will post pictures!


  • IMG_7436.JPG
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70cc twin V2
The easiest way to determine what is rattling is to touch parts of the plane while you are getting that noise. Leave the canopy off so you can reach inside and just start touching pieces until the sound goes away. When the sound stops, that is your culprit and you are in the right area. Sometimes it can be a real pain to find where the noise is coming from, but this is the easiest way to narrow it down to an area. You'll probably have to take the cowling off to check the stand-offs for vibration noise. The stand-offs may be fine, but are transferring noise into the motor box. Good luck!
The easiest way to determine what is rattling is to touch parts of the plane while you are getting that noise. Leave the canopy off so you can reach inside and just start touching pieces until the sound goes away. When the sound stops, that is your culprit and you are in the right area. Sometimes it can be a real pain to find where the noise is coming from, but this is the easiest way to narrow it down to an area. You'll probably have to take the cowling off to check the stand-offs for vibration noise. The stand-offs may be fine, but are transferring noise into the motor box. Good luck!

great idea.

I also have a feeling it could be the front of the split cowl.??

what you suggest is best way to make it easy to determine. well, easier than trial and error of moving things around and changing things.

Thank you!!


70cc twin V2
It won't be near as easy as I make it sound, but it is sure a place to start! It will be much easier with a helper so you can stand back and listen while they touch different parts of the plane. The most common places for rattles/noises I have found are wings/wing tubes, landing gear/wheels/wheel pants, and cowling/firewall. I would start with those first. If it's not those, then you pretty much have to touch every part of the plane until you find it.