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Hangar 9 3.1M Sukhoi


I like 'em "BIG"!
How about balance??? I'm about to install a motor into my Sukhoi and I would like to know what all you guys are coming up with on a balance point. Do I use the recommended CG as stated in the manual? Or do you guys have a better and more accurate balance point. For me, I like just a "smidgen" tail heavy. Ever so slightly. At least this is what has been working awesome on the 260. Will I notice much difference between the two planes on balance? I want penetration, but I also want 3D capabilities. I would appreciate all your input. Thanks....


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Update on my Sukhoi.  Still in the box.




GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Going to be accumulating stuff over the winter.  Engine, servos, etc.  It will fly next year.




70cc twin V2
stangflyer said
How about balance??? I'm about to install a motor into my Sukhoi and I would like to know what all you guys are coming up with on a balance point. Do I use the recommended CG as stated in the manual? Or do you guys have a better and more accurate balance point. For me, I like just a "smidgen" tail heavy. Ever so slightly. At least this is what has been working awesome on the 260. Will I notice much difference between the two planes on balance? I want penetration, but I also want 3D capabilities. I would appreciate all your input. Thanks....
Balance it according to the manual for the maiden flight, then adjust according to your preference. Do a full throttle 45 degree inverted up line to check. Mine is perfectly neutral. If you like them a little tail heavy, adjust your weight until it climbs a little bit.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Oh heck yeah!!! I would be down. I guess I missed that. I should check with my friend that does shirts on the side. See if he would be interested in making all us Sukhoi owners up some really nice "Team Sukhoi" shirts. Whatdaya think? Shoot me your ideas, and I will check with him.