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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


Damn I'm hungry
They say there is a reason for everything. Did not get the 104 finished up @Madinpensacola Will finish it up today and have an outing Sunday at Foley. Hope you and your entourage had a good time today. Hope you got some good pics:).


I like 'em "BIG"!
They say there is a reason for everything. Did not get the 104 finished up @Madinpensacola Will finish it up today and have an outing Sunday at Foley. Hope you and your entourage had a good time today. Hope you got some good pics:).
Sorry you didn't get it done. If it's any consolation, I only got one flight in on the big orange bird. Ignition started missing and was afraid I wouldn't get it back. Guess I'll be ordering a second RCExl ignition for the 170. :(
It was way to breezy for the electric Extra, so only got one flight on that as well. What a bummer of a day. Maybe tomorrow will be better.:sneaky:


70cc twin V2
They say there is a reason for everything. Did not get the 104 finished up @Madinpensacola Will finish it up today and have an outing Sunday at Foley. Hope you and your entourage had a good time today. Hope you got some good pics:).
Yep, missed you for sure. Good crowd. John from Mobile flying a huge Extra? with a DA150 and me and The Beast put on a good show at one point. Fairly syncronized flying with smoke to good effect complete with formation hover and vertical drag race. Good stuff with, as was reported to us, all the women folk and kids getting all giddy with oohs and aaahhhhs. Heck, I've seen "awesome" and thats not me but hey, I'll take it. We tried to wow them and did apparently.


Damn I'm hungry
Sorry you didn't get it done. If it's any consolation, I only got one flight in on the big orange bird. Ignition started missing and was afraid I wouldn't get it back. Guess I'll be ordering a second RCExl ignition for the 170. :(
It was way to breezy for the electric Extra, so only got one flight on that as well. What a bummer of a day. Maybe tomorrow will be better.:sneaky:

I am definitely hoping for better tomorrow;).

Yep, missed you for sure. Good crowd. John from Mobile flying a huge Extra? with a DA150 and me and The Beast put on a good show at one point. Fairly syncronized flying with smoke to good effect complete with formation hover and vertical drag race. Good stuff with, as was reported to us, all the women folk and kids getting all giddy with oohs and aaahhhhs. Heck, I've seen "awesome" and thats not me but hey, I'll take it. We tried to wow them and did apparently.

That's great! Don't take much to please them southern gals:joy:. The southern guys......whole different ball game:dancing-chicken:lol.

Well any way......Shake Down of the 104 tomorrow. Set all aileron servos to their own channel and got them dialed in close as I could with my new 14sg x-mitter. New set of plugs and minor carb adjustments. Relocated batteries to inside the motor box.


640cc Uber Pimp
I arrived at the field too late yesterday to see any of the FPV quad race yesterday. The course was still set up and I did get to see a few guys run through it. I looks pretty cool.

While they were taking the course down I got my charge case out and started to charge some batteries so I could fly a heli when they were done. That turned into me having to try and keep some unattended little kid from running off with one of my 6S batteries. It didn't take much of that before I got pretty irate and was wanting to strangle his father that no one seemed to be able to find. The kid was just being a kid so I wasn't mad at him, but the absent father on the other hand needed a boot in his a$$.